Harry Potter - Sound Making

Harry Potter Sound Making

The clip below is the original clip that my group was given.

Here is the clip that my group deleted the sound off and remade the sound.

During my AS Media course, this was the first task I was ever assigned to do. I had to get into a group and create some sound for a short clip. The clip I was given was Harry Potter. When I was given the Harry Potter clip, I worked with two other AS Media students (Lauren Vlahos & Lucy Mahoney). During this task I used a music creating software on the Apple Macs called Garageband. It was a lot of fun listening to the interesting sounds the software had to offer.

At the start, I decided with my group I was with to delete the original sound of the clip that we was given and to completely make our own sound. I found this task quiet difficult as I have not had much experience using a Mac computer or using the software Garageband. I really enjoyed working on this task as it helped me improve my Mac skills and skills using the software on the computer. Because of the amount of time that I was given to complete this task with the group that I was with, I don't think that we did as well as we could have as some of the sounds do not sound right or flow with the video and not only does it sometimes not flow with the video , it also repeats the sound making it unprofessional and odd at some points, but as an oppose to the mistakes that were made, I think there was some good parts of the sound that we added in.

For example, when the lights in the underground pass flickered, I decided to add in an electrical light sound which flowed with the video. Another part that I thought my group did well on was the part when Harry was running and the splashing of the puddle. If I was given more time to do this task, I think I would have improved the sound, as I thought the repeating of some of the sounds and the flow was not right at some points but overall , I thought this task was enjoying and fun, but was a good part of learning how to use the Macs and Garageband.